Americas Publisher, LLC

Americas Publisher, LLC


Publisher of Military Appreciation Resource Magazine Camp Pendleton. Are you getting your share of the military market from Camp Pendleton? Our “Military Appreciation Resource Magazines” are guaranteed to reach the largest share of the military families at Camp Pendleton than all other military themed publications combined. We do this by direct mailing to all 7,000 plus military housing units as well as racks at more than 14 high traffic locations on base. We promote the goods or services your business provides which will increase your share of the military market. For more information call…….

Jim Pruitt
Project Manager

Cell Phone: (760) 717-7444
Phone: (907) 242-5076
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 777116, Henderson, NV 89077

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Products and Services
Military Maps, Civilian Maps, Base Guides, Relocation Guides, Calendars, Brochures, Military Publications, Military Marketing
Member Since: 2018