Blue Star Families empowers families to thrive as they serve and is committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors to create vibrant communities of mutual support.
Maggie Meza, Blue Star Families San Diego Region Chapter Director, facilitates engagement opportunities that create cross-sectoral dialogue between military and civilian communities, which can help foster awareness and understanding of military lifestyle challenges.
Maggie connects military and Veteran families to beautiful Southern California parks and beaches through the Outdoor Explorer for All Program, provides Caregivers an opportunity to connect with one another through Caregivers Encouraging Caregivers events, brings awareness of local resources to military spouses through monthly Coffee Connections, and encourages families to enjoy the Arts through the Blue Star Museum Program.
Their Chapter volunteers are the heart of their work. Through their dedication, Blue Star Families is able to host food drives aboard Camp Pendleton through their Nourish the Service Program, participate in local Resource Fairs, and support military family days and back to school events. This year, three of their volunteers received the President’s Volunteer Service Award.
As a military or Veteran family, you should feel not only welcome, but also a genuine sense of belonging in your community. No matter where you are on your journey, let Blue Star Families serve as your home away from home.
Learn more about Blue Star Families at
Member Since: 2018