Oceanside Chamber of Commerce

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce


Oceanside Chamber of Commerce

928 N Coast Hwy.
Oceanside, CA 92054 | map | directions
(760) 722-1534
Connect With Us
With new brands emerging every day, it is increasingly challenging to standout against the swarm of competitive businesses. Advertising is one of the oldest forms of public announcement and is meant not only to inform, but also to influence and persuade the viewer to take a specific action. This is where the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce plays a significant role. With our diverse group of member businesses, you have a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience segment through our multi-media advertising opportunities. Get visible! Choose targeted audiences; high-quality print publications including direct mail; email marketing programs; website display and text-based advertising; Design lead generation campaigns combining off-page SEO; better performing SERPs; brand awareness; interactive engagement; long shelf life; mentions and referral analytics. Choose from ten major events reaching the armed forces including enlisted and career members of the military; business-to-business; Latino professionals; health, wellness, medical and fitness; seniors and retirees; men and women employed in the public sectors including police (sheriff), firefighters, lifeguards, teachers and educators; business-to-consumer fun with music, shopping, competitive races, kid's zone, tastes, beverages, beach, pier and Harbor for families, millennials, Gen X and all ages from 8 to 80; Government staffs, Elected Officials, and local VIPs. Contact Pam Rumer, Vice President of Business Development, 760-722-1534, ext. 105 to schedule.
Member Since: 1896