Filipino American Cultural Organization

Filipino American Cultural Organization


Filipino American Cultural Organization

P.O. Box 6276
Oceanside, CA 92052 | map | directions
(760) 822-0683
Connect With Us
MISSION STATEMENT We the Filipino American Cultural Organization is to promote and preserve our heritage history thru cultural activities in the community. To serve as a resource of opportunities, awareness, outreach, educate and to provide role models for future generations of Filipino Americans and thru civic and humanitarian services. We the members of the Filipino American Cultural Organization thru our heritage history will educate the Filipino, Filipino American and greater communities with respect to issues that affect their interests and participate in activities such as collaborations with other non-profit organizations that lead to equal opportunities with common ground and fair treatment of all Filipinos and Filipinos Americans. VISION STATEMENT To encourage the personal growth of the Filipino and Filipino American members of the organization through educating the heritage history. To serve as the network for Filipinos and Filipino Americans. To establish a united and influential constituency group or collaborate through active support of community activities and organizations committed to the betterment of Filipinos and Filipino Americans, Asian American and the greater community. To cooperate and interact with other professional, cultural and community organizations and develop common goals for the benefit of the members of the organization, the Filipino, Filipino American, American communities, and the greater community through social, charitable activities.
Member Since: 2022